Teamspeak Putty

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  1. Teamspeak Setting Up Microphone
  2. Teamspeak Putty Port
  3. Teamspeak Ptt Sound

Non-YaTQA issues

Login to the ServerQuery using any telnet client (for example putty) and use the 'servercreate' command to create a new virtual server. You will have to enter the commands highlighted in green, the other lines are server responses. In putty run these commands 'chkconfig -add teamspeak' THEN 'chkconfig -level 2345 teamspeak on' (optional) Reboot your server by typing 'reboot' to see if the Teamspeak client starts automatically. Enjoy your new ts3 server! This has gone through many revisions so expect there to be something out of place or whatever. Please don't hate:D.

Connect to your root server or VPS/vServer via SSH using PuTTY. To do this, open PuTTY and enter the domain or IP address of your server in the text box named 'Host Name (or IP address)'. Then click the 'OK' button below. Update your package lists with the command apt update. When I was using the default port I noticed constant connection attempts to the Teamspeak port. So I changed all three ports for Teamspeak; Voice, File transfer and Query. Now there are no more connection attempts. I can connect to Teamspeak and use voice and send files. It's just using Putty to Telnet to the query port externally never works.

These have nothing to do with YaTQA at all but are by far the most frequent questions being asked!

YaTQA-related questions

Technical questions about YaTQA and project-related questions

Non-YaTQA issues

How do I get my query credentials?

If you are hosting the server yourself: Credentials are displayed when starting the server with no database (e.g. for the first time). If you didn't write them down, you can find several ways of resetting your credentials here.

If you rented the server: Use the 'Server Query Login' feature in your TS3 client. This feature is usually available to all Server Admins, but can be disabled. This results in a limited account (especially instance features will not work) and is not officially supported by YaTQA.

I get disconnected and can't connect for some time because I'm banned (error 3329)!

The program sends a query when you switch to most tabs to fill it with information. This might be too much, depending on your configuration. Please change 'Commands to flood' to around 20. You'll find it right after connecting. Newer versions will prompt you to change this if you have the permissions for instanceinfo. If you don't and the admin of the server doesn't use YaTQA, too, you might get banned sometimes. Please wait a little between switching tabs. I'm generally afraid TeamSpeak doesn't make a difference on who is using query. Admins and guests have the same Commands to Flood. If you too think that's annoying, please back this suggestion.

Note for transferring many files: If you have a lot of files to transfer (>20), increase the Commands to Flood to a generous amount for that time. You might want to reset it afterwards.

If you are not hosting the server yourself: Go to the settings and set the delay to like 340 or 350. This will prevent you from getting banned from servers with the default anti-flood settings.

Why does it say 'Connection refused' (Socket Error #10061) all the time?

There might be a reason why the input box says 'Query Port' rather than 'Voice Port'. Please find out why yourself.

If you rented your server somewhere, contact their support or read their forums to get to know the query port for your server. The punisher pc uncut patch download.

Why does it say 'version lookup failed' or missing permissions?

YaTQA is made to be Admin Server Query, the group of the default 'serveradmin' account. If you broke your permissions, removed yourself from important groups, got your server hijacked or simply run YaTQA with any other account, you will be shown error messages like these.

Teamspeak Putty

Logging in as a user with limited permissions (e.g. a virtual server's Server Admin) is not officially supported and breaking your permissions is not advised.

If you get a permission error instantly after logging in, b_serverquery_login permission must be granted to Guest Server Query in order to log in. This is usually the case and can be hard to fix.

If you are encountering errors like these as 'serveradmin' user, you will most likely have to start from scratch again.

Don't ask me anything about this, as it has nothing to do with YaTQA. Make a new thread on the forums.


I can't create new servers!

Please make sure you obtained and installed a non-profit or some other kind of license.

Why can't I set certain permissions even if I have b_permission_modify_power_ignore?

You cannot increase the following permissions beyond what your own value is right now:

PermissionCan be increased up to
i_channel_modify_powercannot be increased
i_channel_permission_modify_powercannot be increased
i_group_modify_powercannot be increased
i_group_auto_update_max_valuecannot be increased

As this is getting on my nerves, too, I'm providing this workaround. It is unsupported. Don't ask anyone about it and use it at your own risk. It requires you to be in a group with i_group_auto_update_max_value set to a non-zero value.

Copy your Admin Server Query group a new non-query non-template server group with a certain i_group_auto_update_type (for security reasons, the value must not be divisible by 5). Add your normal voice account to that group and assign the needed permissions via the Automatic Groups feature in YaTQA. Now use your voice client to assign these permissions to the Admin Server Query group.

Why do I get 'Invalid ClientID'?

To execute the commands in this section, stop the server, run sqlite3 ts3server.sqlitedb, execute the commands (and then .exit to exit sqlite3) and start the server.

If you use other clients, please make sure to use only SQLite3-compatible ones! TeamSpeak is no longer based on the original SQLite since many years now.

After updating to 3.6.0 and viewing Admin Server Query (group 2)

Please run this:

DELETE FROM group_server_to_client WHERE id1 <> 1 AND group_id = 2;

Other instances

This is a very rare and random TeamSpeak 3 server bug. It is described in this thread.

The solution in that thread is for MySQL. For SQLite, these commands should do the job:

You are affected by this issue if this command does anything:
SELECT * FROM group_server_to_client WHERE id1 NOT IN (SELECT client_id FROM clients);

Fix the issue:
DELETE FROM group_server_to_client WHERE id1 NOT IN (SELECT client_id FROM clients);

Teamspeak Setting Up Microphone

I can no longer connect to my server. What can I do?

Restart the TeamSpeak 3 instance. This seems to be a frequent bug (in newer server versions?) which randomly appears after some weeks of uptime.

If you want to make sure that it is really that bug to prevent an unnecessary restart, connect to the server via telnet. If you are shown the welcome text, but do not get any other response, you have this bug and must restart your instance.

This was fixed in 3.0.11.

I can't restore some of my snapshots!

There seem to be a lot of problems related to snapshots (the fact that TeamSpeak deletes the server that is meant to be restored to a backup in this case adds to the problem). I had many support inquiries in June, July and September 2015. Although I was able to fix one of the submitted damaged snapshots (invalid group ID, caused by removal of the feature to add serveradmin to local server groups and rumored to be fixed in 3.0.12) all other snapshots were unrecoverable. Feel free to send me your snapshots, but don't expect too much.

As the section of this issue implies, this is a TeamSpeak bug.

  • 1543: This is an issue caused by the lack of full Unicode support in TS. TS only knows it doesn't fully support UTF-8, but doesn't know that it doesn't fully support CESU-8 either. It was possible to use CESU-8 text via query (causing any user to be able to kick all clients without the need for any permissions at all) and in mobile apps prior to, causing snapshots to be in CESU-8 as well. Windows requires YaTQA to convert the snapshots to UTF-16LE, removing the difference between CESU-8 and UTF-8. When deploying a snapshot, YaTQA converts these snapshots from UTF-16LE to UTF-8 according to TS3 documentation, but this causes the checksum to mismatch (because the checksum was calculated for CESU-8, but now the snapshot is in UTF-8 like it should be) and the snapshot to become invalid (because TS3 lacks full UTF-8 support). If you still have the original server, you can use this tool for finding out what destroys your server (simply drop a snapshot on the downloaded file) and then delete/change this parameter on the server before taking a new snapshot. If you don't understand that tool, feel free to send me your snapshot.
  • 512, 1540, 1541, 2560: It appears to me that the snapshopdeploy command from TS internally works by using other commands. Their limitations appear to apply as well, causing two bugs:
    • 512, 1540, 2560: If commands have been changed, stuff that was possible in the past but is no longer possible now causes these commands and therefore snapshotdeploy to fail. Some examples:
      • 512, 2560: It was once possible to add query clients to non-query server groups. It is no longer possible to do that, but existing query users in server groups still result in a snapshot that will try to run this command and will of course fail.
      • 1540: prevents people from destroying their server by using CESU-8. Snapshots of servers that have already been destroyed by CESU-8 will cause error 1540 if deployed without any of the conversions YaTQA has to do because of restrictions in Windows, e.g. by using the official snapshot scripts.
    • 1541: There is an internal limit of 9203 bytes for the most commands (except most permission commands and snapshotdeploy). I guess this limit is applied to the commands used internally by the snapshotdeploy features as well. For example, if you make a channel with the maximum description length and the maximum topic length, this should result in the corresponding channelcreate command exceeding the limit of 9203 bytes, because the creation command is longer than the editing command.

What do the settings in the Advanced tab do?

Many of the settings are somewhat confusing, so here's some more information on them:


Clients for forced silence – virtualserver_min_clients_in_channel_before_forced_silence
This is the effective number of slots per channel. If this this number of clients is reached or exceeded for a channel, no user in that channel will be able to talk. This is likely meant to protect hosters from excessive traffic.
Non-priority speakers – virtualserver_priority_speaker_dimm_modificator
If someone with b_client_is_priority_speaker is talking in a chnanel, all others' volume is modified by this value. Humans consider +10 dB to be double the volume. Decibel values are logarithmic, so +20 dB will seem four times as loud. Beside the planned use, there's the following use as well: Give everyone b_client_is_priority_speaker and make music bot group which has this permission disabled and negated, so the music bot is dimmed while someone is talking.
Reserved slots – virtualserver_reserved_slots
If the number of free slots is the given number or below, the server prevents clients without b_client_use_reserved_slot from connecting. This setting has nothing to do with clients who are already connected.
Default delete delay – virtualserver_channel_temp_delete_delay_default
This is the default delete delay for new channels.


Codec encryption – virtualserver_codec_encryption_mode
Control data is always encrypted, but you can also enable encryption for voice data. This might increase the server's and clients' CPU usage, so some hosters make this a paid addon. The setting can be set to always on, always off or to be set per channel.
Minimum security level – virtualserver_needed_identity_security_level
This setting ensures that a user has to spend some computing time before being able to use a certain globel ID (identity) to connect to any server with a certain security level. If an identity hasn't reached the required security level of a server yet, the user has to spend said computing time before being able to connect. The exact time depends on the target security level (exponentially) and the user's hardware. This is meant to prevent trolls or banned users from quickly connecting with other identities, as they have to increase their identity's security level first, but will likely prevent or confuse legitime users as well.


Most actions give flood points to a user. The number of flood points per action isn't published anywhere, so here's my own list (in German, but generally understandable).

Decrease per ½ second – virtualserver-antiflood_points_tick_reduce
Each half second, every client loses the given amount of flood points, but cannot have less than 0 flood points. A client cannot lose less than 1 point per half second.
Points for Command Block – virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_command_block
A client who does not have the b_client_ignore_antiflood permission cannot execute any commands with flood points (see list linked above) if his current flood points plus the flood points of the action he attempts equals or exceeds this number. Instead, an error message is displayed. Commands that fail through this or any other reason still give the corresponding flood points. Clients can connect no matter what value you set here, but connecting clients execute commands of up to 45 flood points, so values below 46 will cause error messages for users.
Points for IP Block – virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_ip_block
Clients with an IP address whose flood points equal or exceed this value and who do not have the b_client_ignore_bans permission, will be shown a flood prevention, please try again later error. Clients without that permission, also cannot connect to any servers if this value is 80 or lower. b_client_ignore_antiflood does not help here. This setting does not affect clients who are already connected.

YaTQA-related questions

Will I lose my settings when I update?

Of course not. All versions between 1.0.0-final and the most recent version are fully compatible. In both directions.

There are two exceptions: If you first downgrade from 3.0-gamma or newer to any version older than that (3.0-rc2 and older), upgrading to 3.0-gamma or newer again can cause issues if you have bookmarks with voice ports set and have moved or deleted bookmarks while running the old version. The same issue exists between 3.9.2d and 3.9.3-alpha because of bookmarks with TeamSpeak SSH status.

If you never downgraded YaTQA, updating will never be an issue.

There is no PayPal in my country!

If you want to donate, I heard of Turkish users using some service named Entropay. I don't know how that works.

I also offer free keys.

I did not get my key!

Keys are usually sent within 48 hours. If you did not get your key, this can have the following reasons:

  • Your PayPal email address is invalid.
  • You didn't type my email right when manually sending money – it's a J after the @, not an I
  • PayPal's emails got stuck somewhere
  • Your mail server blocks my mails.
  • You donated only a few cents and all the money went to PayPal because of fees.
  • Depending on the payment method you use in PayPal, PayPal might tell me to wait until the payment process is completed. I cannot influence this behavior from PayPal. To date, all those payments have failed in the end, so I cannot give you a key until the process is completed.
  • I'm on vacation. This will be announced on this website.
  • I did not see your donation. Happens sometimes. I'm just a human and nothing is automated here.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you did not receive your key within 48 hours.

Is there a list of the 'Did you know?' tricks?

  • you can also search for permission IDs by entering the ID in the in the permission filter and pressing Enter? It works with all permission filters.
  • files and folders can also be moved to different channels? Just drag one from the file list and drop it on a channel.
  • you can remove permission filters by pressing Ctrl+F (to focus the search box) followed by Esc?
  • the permission editor has a context menu with a lot of features? For example, you can find out your rank for a given permission.
  • YaTQA can download an updated permission list from every TS3 server? Server versions released in October 2012 or later also allow YaTQA to retain the permission's tree structure.
  • groups, channels and servers can be renamed in every list? This does not work with drop down lists, though.
  • YaTQA's calculation of the permission overview is different from the official client's because the official one is wrong?
  • you can edit permissions in the permission overview and instantly see its effects?
  • YaTQA allows you to upload and download complete folder structures?
  • you can not only backup snapshots but also icons?
  • new YaTQA versions are already released for new server versions while they are still in beta?
  • durations can be entered in natural language (like '22 minutes, 17 seconds') or seconds wherever durations are to be entered?
  • the context menu of the user DB offers features to copy the information stored about a client in the list?
  • there are hotkey for filter (Ctrl+F) and refresh (F5)?
  • there is a feature in the permission tab's context menu that allows saving the permissions in a file and loading them? You can use it to copy permissions to a different instance.
  • there is a feature named 'console' in the bottom right, allowing you to subscribe to events and send your own commands?
  • you can use the commandline switch '-a' to connect to your default server and '-c host port username password' to connect to the given server?
  • there are hotkeys for for copying a list's content to clipboard/file (Ctrl+Shift+C) or find in lists (Ctrl+Shift+F and F3)? This works with all lists in the application's main window.
  • you can connect to IPv6 addresses by encasing the IP address or DNS in square brackets?

Can I use startup parameters?

  • -a: Connect to default server.
  • -b [IP]: Blacklist check (since 3.0-gamma5).
  • -c IP Query_Port [User Pass [Voice_Port]]: Connect to the server (Voice_Port supported since 3.0-gamma).
  • -c IP Query_Port [User Pass] [Voice_Port]: Connect to the server (supported since 3.0, 21 Jan 2015).
  • -d: TS DNS lookup.
  • -i: Icon collection.
  • -p: Permission editor.
  • -s [IP]: User statistics (since 3.0-gamma4).

I lost my key. How can I get it back?

If you donated for that key, please send me a message and you will get your key back. Please include either your name or PayPal email address. I will send the key to the address associated with your key. If that didn't happen within 15 hours, let me know.

If you did not donate for the key, you must reapply for a key.

Are there known limitations?

  • Channel passwords: YaTQA never sends a channel password. Make sure to have the b_channel_join_ignore_password and b_ft_ignore_password permissions (or simply no password-protected channels). Server Admins and serveradmin have these permissions by default.
  • Unicode: YaTQA supports unicode. TeamSpeak doesn't support unicode, but only Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). Strange things might happen if you try to use characters from outside the BMP.
  • Integrated DNS lookups: When entering a DNS for either query, blacklist or user chart, a generic DNS resolver is used (for user chart, this is done by PlanetTeamspeak's API server, not by YaTQA), which only supports A and Canonical Name. TSDNS and both types of Service are unsupported here.
  • Console limitations: Only limitations from the TS3 server apply.
  • Ghost mode: Many features don't work here. The ghost has Query Guest permissions, even on newer server versions where non-invisible virtual server query guests have non-query Guest permissions!
  • Operating systems: Some features are missing on certain operating systems. See system requirements.

How do I use IPv6?

If you want to use IPv6, use square brackets [] around the server address.

YaTQA v1.4/2.0-pre and up support IPv6 for query, but not for file transfers and only by direct input without DNS. These limitations were dropped in v3.6-pre2 when TeamSpeak added IPv6 support to their server by 3.0.13.

IPv4 tunnels (e.g. [::ffff:7f00:1]) are not supported.

My computer cannot write yatqa.ini!

Delete it. And the next time you install YaTQA, don't choose portable mode.

SSH does not work!

YaTQA uses Plink (part of the PuTTY suite) for SSH and will automatically download version 0.64 x86 from the official website. You can manually download and place any version 0.61 and newer into YaTQA's program directory (PuTTY official FTP, can be very slow). Earlier versions seem to report connection refused to me all the time – for both, YaTQA's SSH tunnel and the official TeamSpeak 3.3+ SSH. YaTQA works great with x64 Plink as well.

I heard that version 0.68 and up (any platform of the three) may be required for some users under unknown circumstances when Plink shows no output at all. I'm still trying to figure out which circumstances cause this issue, maybe incorrect DLLs according to changelog? I'd be happy to hear from users with this issue who can tell me some anything they consider relevant. YaTQA 3.9.3c might be updated to download PuTTY version 0.68 or so.

To make sure, it's not a YaTQA issue, please use Process Explorer to find out the parameters that YaTQA passes to Plink, and start the same executables with those parameters. If you do not get any output at all, try a more recent version of Plink (see link above), otherwise contact me.

Creating a debug log

Some questions can only be answered by providing the debug log. If you are asked to submit a debug log, please do the following:

  1. Run YaTQA with elevated privileges (so it can create a file in its program folder) and with the -debug switch
  2. Use YaTQA until your issue appears or you get to the point that your question is about
  3. Close YaTQA
  4. (optional:) Open RedeemerTS3.log from YaTQA's program folder and remove your password from it
  5. Send me the RedeemerTS3.log file from YaTQA's program folder by mail

Technical questions about YaTQA and project-related questions

What are the system requirements?

YaTQA minimum system requirements:

  • Operating system when running YaTQA on a..
    • ..desktop operating system: Windows XP or newer, Vista or newer recommended (see below)
    • ..server operating system: Windows 2012 or newer
    Note: It doesn't matter what operating system your server is running on.
  • Disk space: 3 MB for YaTQA itself (more space required for configuration, especially snapshots)
  • Minimum resolution for..
    • ..the server tree popout: 1024×720
    • ..the console: 1024×768
    • ..everything else: 960×720
    YaTQA does not support user interface element scaling provided by Windows up to 7. Prior to v3.5-pre3, this also caused artifacts. If your screen's resolution is larger than 2560×1600 and you're not running at least Windows 8, text might be hard for you to read. But it's best if you just give it a try.

Features unavailable to users of Windows XP: Ghost Mode, setting the nameserver for DNS lookups, DNS lookup group folding, folding server groups in the user DB's server group mode, finding all chats with a certain user (Microsoft says it should work, but it doesn't, so I might do further investigation why)

Features unavailable to users of Windows Vista and XP: Jump lists

If you are using the YaTQA SSH tunnel, you need SSH access to the machine that runs your TS server. Note that version prior to v3.8 had higher requirements.

If not using the SSH tunnel, using the tcp_nodelay option is recommended on remote servers (server version 3.0.13 and up required).

Does YaTQA work with Wine?

It does, but it has memory leaks, because Wine does not support removing link labels from memory.

If you have problems with nearly all text being clipped off, download Tahoma (use Google to find a download). I do not know if it works with the remake included in Wine 0.9.47 and up and if not, why it doesn't work.

Features unavailable to users of Wine: Features unavailable to users of Windows XP (see above), grouping array properties in custom command results and notify events, DNS lookup grouping, the user DB's server group mode, client config folder interaction unless you added a symlink in %APPDATA%TS3Client, automatically installing Plink (the SSH tunnel feature itself however does work if you install Plink 0.61 or newer yourself), simulating DNS lookups of client version 3.1.6 and up (most likely)

Teamspeak Putty Port

Will you be making a mobile app in the future?

No. I don't see any use for this at all. If you ask me, developers can only make a good program if they have a use for it as well.

Is YaTQA really free? Is there a time limit?

Teamspeak Ptt Sound

YaTQA is really free and free forever. No adware, spyware, whatsoever. Also, the registration is for lifetime.

However, each version has a time limit after which you must download a free update. This time limit ends on February and August each year. It applies to both, freeware and the registered version. If the time limit runs out, just grab the latest version for free and you're fine for another 6 months. This has two reasons:

  • Updates: Each YaTQA update includes bug fixes and new features. I want you to download the updates. Updates are more important than profit to me, so ATHPs exceeding the maximum number of servers introduced with version 2 can have this limit unlocked for free.
  • 'Blackmailing' TeamSpeak: I have an NPL that I use for myself as well as for testing (but especially not for support), and YaTQA is meant as a thank you to TeamSpeak for making the NPL available for free. If TeamSpeak ever dared to touch my NPL or entirely abandons the NPL model, I'd be no longer willing to make so many updates available to free, because I would have to pay for an ATHP license ($ 120 per month). In this case, major functions added in version 3 would be removed from the free version and all support for the free version would be stopped so I can get enough money for a testing environment.
  • Copyright-related reasons.

If you're afraid of updates or just like the risk of using outdated software, here's the last version without a time limit:
Download last version without time limit (v3.0-rc2, 03 Aug 2014, 1.2 MiB)

I'm not making v1.3.3.8 (02 Jun 2013), the last version with unlimitted servers right away, available here. Only ATHPs have any disadvantages from newer versions, but I offer free keys for those.

How do I uninstall YaTQA?

YaTQA does not modify your system, so it is enough to delete its installation directory and %APPDATA%YaTQA as well as shortcuts if you chose to create some. Minecraft windows 10 edition key.

Can I run YaTQA directly on my Windows Server?

Multiple people have reported that YaTQA does not run on Windows Server 2008 (both, normal and R2) operating systems, at least it's unable to connect to localhost. I have no idea why this happens. More recently however, there have been reports of people who were actually able to run YaTQA on Windows Server 2012.

What file format does YaTQA (version 1.4 or newer) use for caching icons?

16-bit RES. If you want, you can open the file with Visual Studio. Don't save it, as it will convert the file to 32-bit RES, breaking its use in YaTQA.

What programming language is YaTQA written in?

Delphi 2009.

How many people made this tool?

Just me, Janni 'Яedeemer' K., which gives thes project a very low truck number.

The DNS resolver rework in 2.0-pre2 has been developed with help from Rustik-Team and Barungar.

Why that name?

When I started the development on YaTQA on April 10th 2011, there were already plenty of query apps around. None of them worked for me. So this was yet another TeamSpeak³ Query App, even though it had many more features than the others when its first alpha was released two and a half months later.

How does one pronounce YaTQA?

It's pronounced [jatka] in IPA notation. This notation is also suitable for German speakers.

Are you in contact or affiliated with TeamSpeak Systems GmbH?

No. YaTQA is not officially endorsed by TeamSpeak (though sometimes recommended on the forums). I am not in contact with them and haven't been given any compensation. I do not have any information you couldn't have, with two exceptions (as of mid-August 2018):

  • A moderator sent me a PM on the forum, explaining the usage of permissionlist -new
  • I have been given an opportunity to have a look at serversnapshotdeploy -new early

I regularily speak to WolverinDEV and Splamy on their servers, so basically, the entire third-party TeamSpeak knowledge is in one channel. However, TeamSpeak Systems doesn't like these two guys because reverse-engineered the software, so they don't have any information from TeamSpeak but found it out themselves. All results from those meetings are on this website, except for everything encryption-related, because I don't understand that.

My antivirus does not like YaTQA. Why?

YaTQA is made with Delphi. It is a popular programming language because the applications made with it run on every Windows computer without any requirements. To achieve this, all Delphi applications include some common code. Creators of bad malware detection software might have taken way too common parts of the code to identify some viruses made in Delphi.

Can I download development snapshots?

Yes, you can download development snapshots from the changelog. I can't take any responsibility for that, just like I can't for any other version. Since the translation is created when a new version is ready, you cannot download an English development version. I sometimes make English snapshots if a feature is requested by users of the English version.

Development versions are slightly bigger than normal releases because they contain some data that doesn't make sense of stand-alone applications and is therefore removed before an official release (see here for technical details).

How can I support you?

You can make suggestions, spread the word, translate the tool (see below), send me a nice postcard (see my domain's whois) or donate money (see About dialog).

Who hosts your servers?


This is a list of my current and past hosts. The last one was a dedicated server. All others are virtual servers.

HostStartEndReason for EndLocation
Harmony Solutions07 Dec 2017First-Colo, Frankfurt
Droptop GmbH („Linevast')17 Jun 2017First-Colo, Frankfurt
PHP-Friends.de27 Dec 2016First-Colo, Frankfurt Oct 201603 Jan 2017
(12 May 2017)
no support exists it seemsFirst-Colo, Frankfurt
NbIserv17 Aug 2016Dec 2017Bad IPv6 routingNbIserv, Gera
KMS-Hosting.com29 May 201528 Jun 2015Only rented as backup during power supply failureKMS-Hosting/combahton, Frankfurt
Webhod.de01 Feb 201502 Nov 2016Location change (Paris)First-Colo, Frankfurt
noez.de20 Jan 201531 Jan 2015see belowmeerfarbig/Datafabrik, Frankfurt
Webhod.de01 Jun 201231 Jan 2015Plan change (needed to end contract)First-Colo, Frankfurt
netcup.de25 Feb 201024 Aug 2012Bad nodefirst: unknown
later:, Nuremberg
x2server4u.de13 May 2009Mar 2010Stopped serviceLink11, Frankfurt

The contract with needs some explanation: shut down my server without notice. Jaclyn hill net worth 2017. Therefore, I don't even know why, though I suspect a DDoS provoked by some Frenchmen on my TS server by flaming some Spanish. Despite claiming 24/7 telephone support, it was nothing but a wait loop that eventually kicked you out in all my numerous calls. I asked them for the 14-day refund policy enforced by German law, but they didn't want to and promised to send me some letter from their lawyer for dealing with the issue. They weren't even able to manage that, as I still haven't received that letter to date (2019). Looks like they're unable to do anything but spamming me with emails asking me to rate them on different websites. Maybe I should do that to spread this funny story.

Teamspeak putty commands


This is the webspace for my personal website. Originally being used for the YaTQA website, it moved to my VPS on 02 Sep 2015 when I got the domain for it. The YaTQA download followed with v3.7 (08 Feb 2017) and the update checker with 3.7.3-beta (17 Jun 2017).

HostStartEndReason for EndLocation
Strato14 Jul 2005R-Zone, Berlin


These are the nameservers of plans that I use for testing.

HostStartEndReason for EndLocation
United Domainsearly 2018QSC, Nuremberg
Namecheap20 Oct 2016early 2018SPF-TXT RR has to be set up by their support after every kind of changemultiple
United Domains02 Sep 201520 Oct 2016SRV RR not possible back then (later someone told me their support can set it up)QSC, Nuremberg
EUserv28 Aug 2009
28 Aug 2009
21 Feb 2008
08 Jan 2008
ISPpro/EUserv, Jena
Strato14 Jul 2005R-Zone, Berlin

EUserv is one of the rare providers that support 'decidedly unavailable' SRV records.

I cybersquatted [much longer domain name here]. Do you want to buy it?

No, only domain names that are shorter than my current one.

Is there a version in language X?

This is asked very frequently nowadays, so I worked on it again. My development software uses XLIFF for translation and the original language of YaTQA is German. I tried to deal with that and using OmegaT seemed viable for me, as it will work directly with XLIFF and displays the English translation for whatever reason.

This is how you set it up (I'm using it in German, so the actual buttons/menu items of OmegaT might be different):

  • Before you start: contact me! I want to know who is doing what.
  • In the Options menu..
    • go to the file filters and add *.dfn and *.rcn to XLIFF.
    • go to the file filters and add *.csv to Text and set *.txt and *.csv to UTF-8.
    • go to the file filters and uncheck Windows Resources.
    • go to the tag check and select the simple printf check.
    • enable moving with tab (the first setting in that menu)
  • In the View menu, enable displaying the source segments and (not sure if necessary) automated translation.
  • Create a new project and close it.

Each time you translate something, do the following:

  • Download the translation folder and put it in your project's source folder. You have to do this whenever the translation is updated by me.
  • Translate.
  • Have OmegaT create target documents (project menu).
  • Send me the content of your target folder.



Most importantly: Keep the quotation marks and apostrophs that surround any text.

Teamspeak putty commands

Logging in as a user with limited permissions (e.g. a virtual server's Server Admin) is not officially supported and breaking your permissions is not advised.

If you get a permission error instantly after logging in, b_serverquery_login permission must be granted to Guest Server Query in order to log in. This is usually the case and can be hard to fix.

If you are encountering errors like these as 'serveradmin' user, you will most likely have to start from scratch again.

Don't ask me anything about this, as it has nothing to do with YaTQA. Make a new thread on the forums.

I can't create new servers!

Please make sure you obtained and installed a non-profit or some other kind of license.

Why can't I set certain permissions even if I have b_permission_modify_power_ignore?

You cannot increase the following permissions beyond what your own value is right now:

PermissionCan be increased up to
i_channel_modify_powercannot be increased
i_channel_permission_modify_powercannot be increased
i_group_modify_powercannot be increased
i_group_auto_update_max_valuecannot be increased

As this is getting on my nerves, too, I'm providing this workaround. It is unsupported. Don't ask anyone about it and use it at your own risk. It requires you to be in a group with i_group_auto_update_max_value set to a non-zero value.

Copy your Admin Server Query group a new non-query non-template server group with a certain i_group_auto_update_type (for security reasons, the value must not be divisible by 5). Add your normal voice account to that group and assign the needed permissions via the Automatic Groups feature in YaTQA. Now use your voice client to assign these permissions to the Admin Server Query group.

Why do I get 'Invalid ClientID'?

To execute the commands in this section, stop the server, run sqlite3 ts3server.sqlitedb, execute the commands (and then .exit to exit sqlite3) and start the server.

If you use other clients, please make sure to use only SQLite3-compatible ones! TeamSpeak is no longer based on the original SQLite since many years now.

After updating to 3.6.0 and viewing Admin Server Query (group 2)

Please run this:

DELETE FROM group_server_to_client WHERE id1 <> 1 AND group_id = 2;

Other instances

This is a very rare and random TeamSpeak 3 server bug. It is described in this thread.

The solution in that thread is for MySQL. For SQLite, these commands should do the job:

You are affected by this issue if this command does anything:
SELECT * FROM group_server_to_client WHERE id1 NOT IN (SELECT client_id FROM clients);

Fix the issue:
DELETE FROM group_server_to_client WHERE id1 NOT IN (SELECT client_id FROM clients);

Teamspeak Setting Up Microphone

I can no longer connect to my server. What can I do?

Restart the TeamSpeak 3 instance. This seems to be a frequent bug (in newer server versions?) which randomly appears after some weeks of uptime.

If you want to make sure that it is really that bug to prevent an unnecessary restart, connect to the server via telnet. If you are shown the welcome text, but do not get any other response, you have this bug and must restart your instance.

This was fixed in 3.0.11.

I can't restore some of my snapshots!

There seem to be a lot of problems related to snapshots (the fact that TeamSpeak deletes the server that is meant to be restored to a backup in this case adds to the problem). I had many support inquiries in June, July and September 2015. Although I was able to fix one of the submitted damaged snapshots (invalid group ID, caused by removal of the feature to add serveradmin to local server groups and rumored to be fixed in 3.0.12) all other snapshots were unrecoverable. Feel free to send me your snapshots, but don't expect too much.

As the section of this issue implies, this is a TeamSpeak bug.

  • 1543: This is an issue caused by the lack of full Unicode support in TS. TS only knows it doesn't fully support UTF-8, but doesn't know that it doesn't fully support CESU-8 either. It was possible to use CESU-8 text via query (causing any user to be able to kick all clients without the need for any permissions at all) and in mobile apps prior to, causing snapshots to be in CESU-8 as well. Windows requires YaTQA to convert the snapshots to UTF-16LE, removing the difference between CESU-8 and UTF-8. When deploying a snapshot, YaTQA converts these snapshots from UTF-16LE to UTF-8 according to TS3 documentation, but this causes the checksum to mismatch (because the checksum was calculated for CESU-8, but now the snapshot is in UTF-8 like it should be) and the snapshot to become invalid (because TS3 lacks full UTF-8 support). If you still have the original server, you can use this tool for finding out what destroys your server (simply drop a snapshot on the downloaded file) and then delete/change this parameter on the server before taking a new snapshot. If you don't understand that tool, feel free to send me your snapshot.
  • 512, 1540, 1541, 2560: It appears to me that the snapshopdeploy command from TS internally works by using other commands. Their limitations appear to apply as well, causing two bugs:
    • 512, 1540, 2560: If commands have been changed, stuff that was possible in the past but is no longer possible now causes these commands and therefore snapshotdeploy to fail. Some examples:
      • 512, 2560: It was once possible to add query clients to non-query server groups. It is no longer possible to do that, but existing query users in server groups still result in a snapshot that will try to run this command and will of course fail.
      • 1540: prevents people from destroying their server by using CESU-8. Snapshots of servers that have already been destroyed by CESU-8 will cause error 1540 if deployed without any of the conversions YaTQA has to do because of restrictions in Windows, e.g. by using the official snapshot scripts.
    • 1541: There is an internal limit of 9203 bytes for the most commands (except most permission commands and snapshotdeploy). I guess this limit is applied to the commands used internally by the snapshotdeploy features as well. For example, if you make a channel with the maximum description length and the maximum topic length, this should result in the corresponding channelcreate command exceeding the limit of 9203 bytes, because the creation command is longer than the editing command.

What do the settings in the Advanced tab do?

Many of the settings are somewhat confusing, so here's some more information on them:


Clients for forced silence – virtualserver_min_clients_in_channel_before_forced_silence
This is the effective number of slots per channel. If this this number of clients is reached or exceeded for a channel, no user in that channel will be able to talk. This is likely meant to protect hosters from excessive traffic.
Non-priority speakers – virtualserver_priority_speaker_dimm_modificator
If someone with b_client_is_priority_speaker is talking in a chnanel, all others' volume is modified by this value. Humans consider +10 dB to be double the volume. Decibel values are logarithmic, so +20 dB will seem four times as loud. Beside the planned use, there's the following use as well: Give everyone b_client_is_priority_speaker and make music bot group which has this permission disabled and negated, so the music bot is dimmed while someone is talking.
Reserved slots – virtualserver_reserved_slots
If the number of free slots is the given number or below, the server prevents clients without b_client_use_reserved_slot from connecting. This setting has nothing to do with clients who are already connected.
Default delete delay – virtualserver_channel_temp_delete_delay_default
This is the default delete delay for new channels.


Codec encryption – virtualserver_codec_encryption_mode
Control data is always encrypted, but you can also enable encryption for voice data. This might increase the server's and clients' CPU usage, so some hosters make this a paid addon. The setting can be set to always on, always off or to be set per channel.
Minimum security level – virtualserver_needed_identity_security_level
This setting ensures that a user has to spend some computing time before being able to use a certain globel ID (identity) to connect to any server with a certain security level. If an identity hasn't reached the required security level of a server yet, the user has to spend said computing time before being able to connect. The exact time depends on the target security level (exponentially) and the user's hardware. This is meant to prevent trolls or banned users from quickly connecting with other identities, as they have to increase their identity's security level first, but will likely prevent or confuse legitime users as well.


Most actions give flood points to a user. The number of flood points per action isn't published anywhere, so here's my own list (in German, but generally understandable).

Decrease per ½ second – virtualserver-antiflood_points_tick_reduce
Each half second, every client loses the given amount of flood points, but cannot have less than 0 flood points. A client cannot lose less than 1 point per half second.
Points for Command Block – virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_command_block
A client who does not have the b_client_ignore_antiflood permission cannot execute any commands with flood points (see list linked above) if his current flood points plus the flood points of the action he attempts equals or exceeds this number. Instead, an error message is displayed. Commands that fail through this or any other reason still give the corresponding flood points. Clients can connect no matter what value you set here, but connecting clients execute commands of up to 45 flood points, so values below 46 will cause error messages for users.
Points for IP Block – virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_ip_block
Clients with an IP address whose flood points equal or exceed this value and who do not have the b_client_ignore_bans permission, will be shown a flood prevention, please try again later error. Clients without that permission, also cannot connect to any servers if this value is 80 or lower. b_client_ignore_antiflood does not help here. This setting does not affect clients who are already connected.

YaTQA-related questions

Will I lose my settings when I update?

Of course not. All versions between 1.0.0-final and the most recent version are fully compatible. In both directions.

There are two exceptions: If you first downgrade from 3.0-gamma or newer to any version older than that (3.0-rc2 and older), upgrading to 3.0-gamma or newer again can cause issues if you have bookmarks with voice ports set and have moved or deleted bookmarks while running the old version. The same issue exists between 3.9.2d and 3.9.3-alpha because of bookmarks with TeamSpeak SSH status.

If you never downgraded YaTQA, updating will never be an issue.

There is no PayPal in my country!

If you want to donate, I heard of Turkish users using some service named Entropay. I don't know how that works.

I also offer free keys.

I did not get my key!

Keys are usually sent within 48 hours. If you did not get your key, this can have the following reasons:

  • Your PayPal email address is invalid.
  • You didn't type my email right when manually sending money – it's a J after the @, not an I
  • PayPal's emails got stuck somewhere
  • Your mail server blocks my mails.
  • You donated only a few cents and all the money went to PayPal because of fees.
  • Depending on the payment method you use in PayPal, PayPal might tell me to wait until the payment process is completed. I cannot influence this behavior from PayPal. To date, all those payments have failed in the end, so I cannot give you a key until the process is completed.
  • I'm on vacation. This will be announced on this website.
  • I did not see your donation. Happens sometimes. I'm just a human and nothing is automated here.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you did not receive your key within 48 hours.

Is there a list of the 'Did you know?' tricks?

  • you can also search for permission IDs by entering the ID in the in the permission filter and pressing Enter? It works with all permission filters.
  • files and folders can also be moved to different channels? Just drag one from the file list and drop it on a channel.
  • you can remove permission filters by pressing Ctrl+F (to focus the search box) followed by Esc?
  • the permission editor has a context menu with a lot of features? For example, you can find out your rank for a given permission.
  • YaTQA can download an updated permission list from every TS3 server? Server versions released in October 2012 or later also allow YaTQA to retain the permission's tree structure.
  • groups, channels and servers can be renamed in every list? This does not work with drop down lists, though.
  • YaTQA's calculation of the permission overview is different from the official client's because the official one is wrong?
  • you can edit permissions in the permission overview and instantly see its effects?
  • YaTQA allows you to upload and download complete folder structures?
  • you can not only backup snapshots but also icons?
  • new YaTQA versions are already released for new server versions while they are still in beta?
  • durations can be entered in natural language (like '22 minutes, 17 seconds') or seconds wherever durations are to be entered?
  • the context menu of the user DB offers features to copy the information stored about a client in the list?
  • there are hotkey for filter (Ctrl+F) and refresh (F5)?
  • there is a feature in the permission tab's context menu that allows saving the permissions in a file and loading them? You can use it to copy permissions to a different instance.
  • there is a feature named 'console' in the bottom right, allowing you to subscribe to events and send your own commands?
  • you can use the commandline switch '-a' to connect to your default server and '-c host port username password' to connect to the given server?
  • there are hotkeys for for copying a list's content to clipboard/file (Ctrl+Shift+C) or find in lists (Ctrl+Shift+F and F3)? This works with all lists in the application's main window.
  • you can connect to IPv6 addresses by encasing the IP address or DNS in square brackets?

Can I use startup parameters?

  • -a: Connect to default server.
  • -b [IP]: Blacklist check (since 3.0-gamma5).
  • -c IP Query_Port [User Pass [Voice_Port]]: Connect to the server (Voice_Port supported since 3.0-gamma).
  • -c IP Query_Port [User Pass] [Voice_Port]: Connect to the server (supported since 3.0, 21 Jan 2015).
  • -d: TS DNS lookup.
  • -i: Icon collection.
  • -p: Permission editor.
  • -s [IP]: User statistics (since 3.0-gamma4).

I lost my key. How can I get it back?

If you donated for that key, please send me a message and you will get your key back. Please include either your name or PayPal email address. I will send the key to the address associated with your key. If that didn't happen within 15 hours, let me know.

If you did not donate for the key, you must reapply for a key.

Are there known limitations?

  • Channel passwords: YaTQA never sends a channel password. Make sure to have the b_channel_join_ignore_password and b_ft_ignore_password permissions (or simply no password-protected channels). Server Admins and serveradmin have these permissions by default.
  • Unicode: YaTQA supports unicode. TeamSpeak doesn't support unicode, but only Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). Strange things might happen if you try to use characters from outside the BMP.
  • Integrated DNS lookups: When entering a DNS for either query, blacklist or user chart, a generic DNS resolver is used (for user chart, this is done by PlanetTeamspeak's API server, not by YaTQA), which only supports A and Canonical Name. TSDNS and both types of Service are unsupported here.
  • Console limitations: Only limitations from the TS3 server apply.
  • Ghost mode: Many features don't work here. The ghost has Query Guest permissions, even on newer server versions where non-invisible virtual server query guests have non-query Guest permissions!
  • Operating systems: Some features are missing on certain operating systems. See system requirements.

How do I use IPv6?

If you want to use IPv6, use square brackets [] around the server address.

YaTQA v1.4/2.0-pre and up support IPv6 for query, but not for file transfers and only by direct input without DNS. These limitations were dropped in v3.6-pre2 when TeamSpeak added IPv6 support to their server by 3.0.13.

IPv4 tunnels (e.g. [::ffff:7f00:1]) are not supported.

My computer cannot write yatqa.ini!

Delete it. And the next time you install YaTQA, don't choose portable mode.

SSH does not work!

YaTQA uses Plink (part of the PuTTY suite) for SSH and will automatically download version 0.64 x86 from the official website. You can manually download and place any version 0.61 and newer into YaTQA's program directory (PuTTY official FTP, can be very slow). Earlier versions seem to report connection refused to me all the time – for both, YaTQA's SSH tunnel and the official TeamSpeak 3.3+ SSH. YaTQA works great with x64 Plink as well.

I heard that version 0.68 and up (any platform of the three) may be required for some users under unknown circumstances when Plink shows no output at all. I'm still trying to figure out which circumstances cause this issue, maybe incorrect DLLs according to changelog? I'd be happy to hear from users with this issue who can tell me some anything they consider relevant. YaTQA 3.9.3c might be updated to download PuTTY version 0.68 or so.

To make sure, it's not a YaTQA issue, please use Process Explorer to find out the parameters that YaTQA passes to Plink, and start the same executables with those parameters. If you do not get any output at all, try a more recent version of Plink (see link above), otherwise contact me.

Creating a debug log

Some questions can only be answered by providing the debug log. If you are asked to submit a debug log, please do the following:

  1. Run YaTQA with elevated privileges (so it can create a file in its program folder) and with the -debug switch
  2. Use YaTQA until your issue appears or you get to the point that your question is about
  3. Close YaTQA
  4. (optional:) Open RedeemerTS3.log from YaTQA's program folder and remove your password from it
  5. Send me the RedeemerTS3.log file from YaTQA's program folder by mail

Technical questions about YaTQA and project-related questions

What are the system requirements?

YaTQA minimum system requirements:

  • Operating system when running YaTQA on a..
    • ..desktop operating system: Windows XP or newer, Vista or newer recommended (see below)
    • ..server operating system: Windows 2012 or newer
    Note: It doesn't matter what operating system your server is running on.
  • Disk space: 3 MB for YaTQA itself (more space required for configuration, especially snapshots)
  • Minimum resolution for..
    • ..the server tree popout: 1024×720
    • ..the console: 1024×768
    • ..everything else: 960×720
    YaTQA does not support user interface element scaling provided by Windows up to 7. Prior to v3.5-pre3, this also caused artifacts. If your screen's resolution is larger than 2560×1600 and you're not running at least Windows 8, text might be hard for you to read. But it's best if you just give it a try.

Features unavailable to users of Windows XP: Ghost Mode, setting the nameserver for DNS lookups, DNS lookup group folding, folding server groups in the user DB's server group mode, finding all chats with a certain user (Microsoft says it should work, but it doesn't, so I might do further investigation why)

Features unavailable to users of Windows Vista and XP: Jump lists

If you are using the YaTQA SSH tunnel, you need SSH access to the machine that runs your TS server. Note that version prior to v3.8 had higher requirements.

If not using the SSH tunnel, using the tcp_nodelay option is recommended on remote servers (server version 3.0.13 and up required).

Does YaTQA work with Wine?

It does, but it has memory leaks, because Wine does not support removing link labels from memory.

If you have problems with nearly all text being clipped off, download Tahoma (use Google to find a download). I do not know if it works with the remake included in Wine 0.9.47 and up and if not, why it doesn't work.

Features unavailable to users of Wine: Features unavailable to users of Windows XP (see above), grouping array properties in custom command results and notify events, DNS lookup grouping, the user DB's server group mode, client config folder interaction unless you added a symlink in %APPDATA%TS3Client, automatically installing Plink (the SSH tunnel feature itself however does work if you install Plink 0.61 or newer yourself), simulating DNS lookups of client version 3.1.6 and up (most likely)

Teamspeak Putty Port

Will you be making a mobile app in the future?

No. I don't see any use for this at all. If you ask me, developers can only make a good program if they have a use for it as well.

Is YaTQA really free? Is there a time limit?

Teamspeak Ptt Sound

YaTQA is really free and free forever. No adware, spyware, whatsoever. Also, the registration is for lifetime.

However, each version has a time limit after which you must download a free update. This time limit ends on February and August each year. It applies to both, freeware and the registered version. If the time limit runs out, just grab the latest version for free and you're fine for another 6 months. This has two reasons:

  • Updates: Each YaTQA update includes bug fixes and new features. I want you to download the updates. Updates are more important than profit to me, so ATHPs exceeding the maximum number of servers introduced with version 2 can have this limit unlocked for free.
  • 'Blackmailing' TeamSpeak: I have an NPL that I use for myself as well as for testing (but especially not for support), and YaTQA is meant as a thank you to TeamSpeak for making the NPL available for free. If TeamSpeak ever dared to touch my NPL or entirely abandons the NPL model, I'd be no longer willing to make so many updates available to free, because I would have to pay for an ATHP license ($ 120 per month). In this case, major functions added in version 3 would be removed from the free version and all support for the free version would be stopped so I can get enough money for a testing environment.
  • Copyright-related reasons.

If you're afraid of updates or just like the risk of using outdated software, here's the last version without a time limit:
Download last version without time limit (v3.0-rc2, 03 Aug 2014, 1.2 MiB)

I'm not making v1.3.3.8 (02 Jun 2013), the last version with unlimitted servers right away, available here. Only ATHPs have any disadvantages from newer versions, but I offer free keys for those.

How do I uninstall YaTQA?

YaTQA does not modify your system, so it is enough to delete its installation directory and %APPDATA%YaTQA as well as shortcuts if you chose to create some. Minecraft windows 10 edition key.

Can I run YaTQA directly on my Windows Server?

Multiple people have reported that YaTQA does not run on Windows Server 2008 (both, normal and R2) operating systems, at least it's unable to connect to localhost. I have no idea why this happens. More recently however, there have been reports of people who were actually able to run YaTQA on Windows Server 2012.

What file format does YaTQA (version 1.4 or newer) use for caching icons?

16-bit RES. If you want, you can open the file with Visual Studio. Don't save it, as it will convert the file to 32-bit RES, breaking its use in YaTQA.

What programming language is YaTQA written in?

Delphi 2009.

How many people made this tool?

Just me, Janni 'Яedeemer' K., which gives thes project a very low truck number.

The DNS resolver rework in 2.0-pre2 has been developed with help from Rustik-Team and Barungar.

Why that name?

When I started the development on YaTQA on April 10th 2011, there were already plenty of query apps around. None of them worked for me. So this was yet another TeamSpeak³ Query App, even though it had many more features than the others when its first alpha was released two and a half months later.

How does one pronounce YaTQA?

It's pronounced [jatka] in IPA notation. This notation is also suitable for German speakers.

Are you in contact or affiliated with TeamSpeak Systems GmbH?

No. YaTQA is not officially endorsed by TeamSpeak (though sometimes recommended on the forums). I am not in contact with them and haven't been given any compensation. I do not have any information you couldn't have, with two exceptions (as of mid-August 2018):

  • A moderator sent me a PM on the forum, explaining the usage of permissionlist -new
  • I have been given an opportunity to have a look at serversnapshotdeploy -new early

I regularily speak to WolverinDEV and Splamy on their servers, so basically, the entire third-party TeamSpeak knowledge is in one channel. However, TeamSpeak Systems doesn't like these two guys because reverse-engineered the software, so they don't have any information from TeamSpeak but found it out themselves. All results from those meetings are on this website, except for everything encryption-related, because I don't understand that.

My antivirus does not like YaTQA. Why?

YaTQA is made with Delphi. It is a popular programming language because the applications made with it run on every Windows computer without any requirements. To achieve this, all Delphi applications include some common code. Creators of bad malware detection software might have taken way too common parts of the code to identify some viruses made in Delphi.

Can I download development snapshots?

Yes, you can download development snapshots from the changelog. I can't take any responsibility for that, just like I can't for any other version. Since the translation is created when a new version is ready, you cannot download an English development version. I sometimes make English snapshots if a feature is requested by users of the English version.

Development versions are slightly bigger than normal releases because they contain some data that doesn't make sense of stand-alone applications and is therefore removed before an official release (see here for technical details).

How can I support you?

You can make suggestions, spread the word, translate the tool (see below), send me a nice postcard (see my domain's whois) or donate money (see About dialog).

Who hosts your servers?


This is a list of my current and past hosts. The last one was a dedicated server. All others are virtual servers.

HostStartEndReason for EndLocation
Harmony Solutions07 Dec 2017First-Colo, Frankfurt
Droptop GmbH („Linevast')17 Jun 2017First-Colo, Frankfurt
PHP-Friends.de27 Dec 2016First-Colo, Frankfurt Oct 201603 Jan 2017
(12 May 2017)
no support exists it seemsFirst-Colo, Frankfurt
NbIserv17 Aug 2016Dec 2017Bad IPv6 routingNbIserv, Gera
KMS-Hosting.com29 May 201528 Jun 2015Only rented as backup during power supply failureKMS-Hosting/combahton, Frankfurt
Webhod.de01 Feb 201502 Nov 2016Location change (Paris)First-Colo, Frankfurt
noez.de20 Jan 201531 Jan 2015see belowmeerfarbig/Datafabrik, Frankfurt
Webhod.de01 Jun 201231 Jan 2015Plan change (needed to end contract)First-Colo, Frankfurt
netcup.de25 Feb 201024 Aug 2012Bad nodefirst: unknown
later:, Nuremberg
x2server4u.de13 May 2009Mar 2010Stopped serviceLink11, Frankfurt

The contract with needs some explanation: shut down my server without notice. Jaclyn hill net worth 2017. Therefore, I don't even know why, though I suspect a DDoS provoked by some Frenchmen on my TS server by flaming some Spanish. Despite claiming 24/7 telephone support, it was nothing but a wait loop that eventually kicked you out in all my numerous calls. I asked them for the 14-day refund policy enforced by German law, but they didn't want to and promised to send me some letter from their lawyer for dealing with the issue. They weren't even able to manage that, as I still haven't received that letter to date (2019). Looks like they're unable to do anything but spamming me with emails asking me to rate them on different websites. Maybe I should do that to spread this funny story.


This is the webspace for my personal website. Originally being used for the YaTQA website, it moved to my VPS on 02 Sep 2015 when I got the domain for it. The YaTQA download followed with v3.7 (08 Feb 2017) and the update checker with 3.7.3-beta (17 Jun 2017).

HostStartEndReason for EndLocation
Strato14 Jul 2005R-Zone, Berlin


These are the nameservers of plans that I use for testing.

HostStartEndReason for EndLocation
United Domainsearly 2018QSC, Nuremberg
Namecheap20 Oct 2016early 2018SPF-TXT RR has to be set up by their support after every kind of changemultiple
United Domains02 Sep 201520 Oct 2016SRV RR not possible back then (later someone told me their support can set it up)QSC, Nuremberg
EUserv28 Aug 2009
28 Aug 2009
21 Feb 2008
08 Jan 2008
ISPpro/EUserv, Jena
Strato14 Jul 2005R-Zone, Berlin

EUserv is one of the rare providers that support 'decidedly unavailable' SRV records.

I cybersquatted [much longer domain name here]. Do you want to buy it?

No, only domain names that are shorter than my current one.

Is there a version in language X?

This is asked very frequently nowadays, so I worked on it again. My development software uses XLIFF for translation and the original language of YaTQA is German. I tried to deal with that and using OmegaT seemed viable for me, as it will work directly with XLIFF and displays the English translation for whatever reason.

This is how you set it up (I'm using it in German, so the actual buttons/menu items of OmegaT might be different):

  • Before you start: contact me! I want to know who is doing what.
  • In the Options menu..
    • go to the file filters and add *.dfn and *.rcn to XLIFF.
    • go to the file filters and add *.csv to Text and set *.txt and *.csv to UTF-8.
    • go to the file filters and uncheck Windows Resources.
    • go to the tag check and select the simple printf check.
    • enable moving with tab (the first setting in that menu)
  • In the View menu, enable displaying the source segments and (not sure if necessary) automated translation.
  • Create a new project and close it.

Each time you translate something, do the following:

  • Download the translation folder and put it in your project's source folder. You have to do this whenever the translation is updated by me.
  • Translate.
  • Have OmegaT create target documents (project menu).
  • Send me the content of your target folder.


Most importantly: Keep the quotation marks and apostrophs that surround any text.

General Placeholders:

%sString placeholder
%dDecimal number placeholder
&Shortcut key (usually underlined)
&&Actual ampersand

Placeholders in stuff encased by apostrophes:

|Vertical lineThis is used in translations for the hint text that is displayed when hovering an element. The text before the vertical line is displayed next to the mouse points and the text behind is displayed in the status bar. You therefore cannot use vertical lines in actual hint texts. Hint texts next to the mouse pointer are only displayed if the feature has been enabled on design time.
'Two single quotesUse this wherever your text would have a single quote.

Stuff encased by quotation marks:

rnNew lineThis results in a line-break.
'Two quotation marksUse this wherever your text would have a quotation mark.
'Backslash and quotation markAlternative to the above.
x00Unicode codepointAlthough this notation might exist in original strings, there is no need to use this. Just type Unicode characters normally.

Strings with HTML:

The clickable labels use HTML with a link syntax. You must leave them as-is and only translate the enclosed text. Anyway, for those interested, here's the syntax:


You must only edit the {TEXT} thing, translating anything else will break the program.

broken image